Register new account with Buyezee

Register new account

Register becomes shopreneur with buyezee is the first step for you to make money online with buyezee. You will have user and password to login. All activities will be recorded in this backoffice of buyezee.
Register new account with buyezee

Registration Steps

Step 1: Click link: to start register new account

Step 2: fill in the necessary information:

  • Name.
  • Email.
  • Your date of birth
  • Number Phone.
  • In put: Password.
  • Click choose the box: I accept the terms and conditions 
  • Click on the Button: BECOME A SHOPRENEUR

Form register new account witch buyezee


Check your email to verify account

You will receive an email to verify your account registered new. Open your email and click to link request, it’s done.

Now congratulate you because you have become a shopreneur with buyezee. Your user and password do not forget.

Video support register [language Vietnam]

New member, how to work? [language Vietnam]

I have synthetic the article to make for new member can start with buyezee. It’s very simple. STEP BY STEP for new member [Language Vietnam]. I hope it’s help for you easy access to work. If you know VietNam man please share with them. 

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